The production of cloth in Galicia has been of great importance at different times in our history, reaching its greatest splendour in the 17th and 18th centuries, although the artisan and domestic production of cloth continued until well into the 20th century.
The need to provide families with fabrics to make a wide variety of products, especially in times of scarcity, such as the decades following the Spanish Civil War in 1936, was the main reason for the revival of domestic weaving in many parts of Galicia, or for its intensification in those places where it was still practised. This is a fact that is confirmed by the interviews conducted in the field; sowing flax at home and using sheep's wool was the only way to meet each family's need for fabrics to make bedclothes or to dress themselves.
Text of the research:
Manuel Rodríguez Calviño
Consuelo Viana (Viana, San Pedro); Angeles Sánchez González (Viana, San Pedro); Clotilde Blanco Montes (Mouricios, San Cristovo); Matilde (Casa de la Pena)(Mouricios, San Cristovo); Luisa (Penasillás A Laxe, San Xoán); Ofelia Vázquez Brigos (Penasillás, A Laxe, San Xoán) and Felipe Osorio (A Fonte, Penelas, Esmeriz, Santa Mariña).
Life stories recovered:
Teresa Montes Rodríguez, mother of Clotilde (San Paio de Muradelle); Elvira Saco Ledo, mother of Matilde (Mouricios San Cristovo); Josefa Brigos Viana, mother of Ofelia (Vilanova, San Xoán de Laxe); María Viana Ratón, grandmother of Ofelia (Vilanova, San Xoán de Laxe); Evangelina Rodríguez Osorio, aunt of Felipe (Esmeriz, Santa Mariña) and Elvira Rodriguez Osorio, aunt of Felipe (Esmeriz, Santa Mariña).
Nabeira do Muíño
Puza das Ribas
Research prior to growing flax