In this residency, in search of new applications in other fields of artistic creation, Idoia Cuesta proposes a revision of the traditional use of wicker for basketry. She will carry out research in the area of San Cristovo de Mouricios and will study the possibilities of establishing a wicker plantation in this village.
To obtain this raw material, she will study the times and processes of selecting the shoots, the cutting of the sticks and their classification according to height, colour, etc.; she will also experiment with the timing for cooking, peeling and drying.
The research will focus on the species of the genus "Salix", both autochthonous and allochthonous, previously selected for their characteristics and properties to study their multiple applications in contemporary art, product or interior design, or architecture.
For this purpose, Vilaseco will have the collaboration of Os Casares and the technical service of the company Agrofloresta for soil analysis, hydrology, etc.
Idoia Cuesta

I live and work in the countryside, in an area of Galicia that has been declared a Biosphere Reserve. The nature and landscape that surround me in my daily life, the forests, the river Miño with its island in the middle, the willows that I grow, the storks that weave their nests, .... not only inspire me, but also give me the opportunity to create sustainable pieces with organic shapes that transmit the nobility and warmth of the raw materials that I use.